Our objective: to train local. trusted women to educate, assess, support and connect women with concerning breast lumps to existing and created resources. 

 Through working with local health departments, community and faith based organizations, BAI successfully trains specially selected community members through a well developed program. The BAI program is designed to teach a variety of women and men, based on individual levels of expertise and medically or non-medically trained, to create a network to reach remote communities with very few medical resources. Often no mammograms or ultrasounds are available, and doctors are frequently far and in-between clinics and hospitals. 

The Advocate Navigators are trained to assess for barriers to care, such as costs, cultural beliefs, language disparity, lack of transportation, and more. BAI then develops a unique program to suit the needs of the community and utilizes existing resources to create a program that is self-sustaining and robust. After a three-year track the women will name their program and all presentations and tools will be given free of cost to continue to grow and thrive.

Potential programs include:

1. Advocate Navigation or lay volunteers as Community Advocates and Training Trainers
2. Training and connecting medically trained staff
2. Self breast exam (SBE) training 
3. Clinical breast exam (CBE) training where imaging is not an option
4. Teen programs starting early breast care facts, risk factors and interventions
5. Local clinical and hospital based training
6. Navigation program development
7. and more